“Updated.” Praise YHWH!

As many of you can attest, this political season has been especially disturbing. Those true followers of YHWH have been vexed beyond measure. The informed and awake have been confronted with what had been suspected all along. The Scepter of Wickedness had taken up residence in the halls of American politics, and didn’t plan to abandon its post.

Thankfully, Wikileaks and Anonymous have revealed the sins of the elite political class to the people of the United States.  Due to occult activity, perversity in high places, we Americans have had to familiarize ourselves with a new term, “spirit cooking”. It is not just performance art, by the way. In our nations capital, occultism, pedophilia, as well as institutionalized graft and corruption have been revealed, and it appeared to be “business as usual”. We watched in horror as the various alphabet, national justice and security organizations folded like cheap suits, giving the impression that they had been manipulated, and most likely coerced. The news media had been functioning as a government propaganda machine. Freedom of the Press seemed to be an archaic idea. We needed our Savior to intervene. The corruption had become systemic. This is why the defeat of this Administration’s agenda has been so sweet. The voters spoke. They fasted and prayed. God heard.

Just so you know that you are not crazy, this post has, in fact, been changed. It has been updated to reflect my glee in discovering that the majority of Americans have not lost their minds after all, at least not yet. Never forget the last 8 years, the lies, the moral relativism, the false promises of socialism, government control of the media, and the like. Tonight is encouraging, but by the grace of God, and through prayer,  we must never allow such injustice to creep into our society again. Pray for our new President. May he walk worthy of his calling!

FYI, “A Woman Rides the Beast” post has been updated, but appears prior to this one, as it was initially written earlier. As I mentioned previously, I really struggled with that particular revelation and how to “tie it up into a neat little bow” as a blog post. Thanks for bearing with all the revisions!  🙂

Righteousness Exalts a Nation, but…

Transfixed…Yes, I must admit, I have been fascinated. Wikileaks. Project Veritas. Clinton e-mail scandal. FBI & the Comey Cover-up. If you are not familiar with these current events, it is time to seek out the truth from the “Alternative Media”. It is indeed sad to say, but most certainly you will not find the truth disseminated from the alphabet, mainstream news outlets. Thank the Lord for Julian Assange and Wikileaks! Corruption is revealed. Good. It’s about time. I am always hoping and praying that justice will prevail.

How is it that once appreciated and sought after virtues, such as justice and righteousness, are no longer of any value to many, maybe even to most? How is it that corruption at the highest levels would become so ho-hum to the American people? I would include church-y people in this as well. Ask yourselves the question, “How ever did we get here”?

I can’t resist telling you all that “Some things never change“. We are watching history repeat itself. Look to Israel & Judah throughout the Old Testament, nations which were both types, shadows, examples, as it were. We are watching such object lessons in “real time”. What happens to a nation that rejects its Savior, the God Who is the epitome of holiness, justice, and righteousness? This. This is what happens:

  • child sacrifice-abortion
  • corruption
  • violence
  • injustice
  • ignorance
  •  racial tensions
  • strife
  • child abuse
  • men in women’s restrooms

Lest we forget, there indeed is something that stands firm forever, the Word of God. Church tradition, dispensational-ism, Calvinism, all the other-isms, and yet none can even hold a candle to God’s Word. The Bible is our guidebook, and our link to understanding the nature of our Creator. The Word is how we connect with Him and all His righteous attributes. Do not be deceived! Look to the Word of God, not politicians, corrupt judges, nor local hirelings, er.. I mean pastors, the compromised variety. Read the Word of God daily. Ask the Holy Spirit for understanding. You will receive it, but you may have to give up your preconceived notions of right and wrong. No… Actually, you will definitely have to give up your preconceived notions of right and wrong!

I will leave you with a rather timely Bible verse.”Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people“. Corruption and injustice should never, ever be acceptable to a “Believer”! “Examine yourself, to see whether you are in the faith.”If you identify with the Word made flesh, then you had better understand His nature. He is righteous! He is just! He “changes not.”

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

Ben Carson: There’s No ‘War on Women’ but a ‘War on What’s Inside of Women’

Ben Carson “nails” it once again! No wonder he has become such a strong candidate for president. He is not only willing, but fully capable to speak the truth about abortion, and other pressing issues.

Retired neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson ripped into the notion that there is a “war on women” in America when he declared in a rousing address at a campaign event in Little Rock, Arkansas Thursday that there is no “war on women” but there may be one on “what’s inside of women.”

Source: Ben Carson: There’s No ‘War on Women’ but a ‘War on What’s Inside of Women’